
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Here comes the Sun! {and what I did to combat depression}

So thankful for that!!!

First of all, I know. it's been 2 months since my last post so I wanted to give you a little update on my blog happenings.  While I will continue to do fun and {hopefully} inspirational tutorials and keep you posted on Lis Dunn designs, I will not be following the Something New for 52 as planned;{  We have had both computer and internet issues over the past 2 months and I got to the point of such frustration that I just took a little hiatus.  Sometimes that is a really good thing! All is well now and the blessing is that I was able to focus on custom orders and new design ideas!

With that being said, I wanted to share something that has been on my heart.
It has been a rough winter for most of the country! 
Not only weather wise, but especially tough for those of us that experience little {or big} bouts of SAD.
This year was a struggle for me.
I don't want to sound all "gloom and doom" because there were some very big blessings happening in this same time period, but I think depression is one of those things that people just don't want to admit or talk about.

It's real
It's painful
There doesn't have to be a reason
You really can't explain it

While it doesn't seem like it in the moment, these times can have a really positive impact, my friends. 

{Photo Credit: Pinterest}

I got to a point about a month ago where I really heard myself for the first time and it made me sad.  I was not myself.  While I didn't feel hopeless, I really didn't feel hopeful either {does that make sense?} 
In that moment, I made a choice.  This wasn't going to get the best of me!
I am not going to go on and on with what these few months looked like.  If you're still reading this, you probably have some idea of what depression looks and feels like.
What I DO want to share are some of the things I did to be better.

Light Therapy
For years, I sneered at the idea that a light bulb would have an impact on your well being.  While shopping on black Friday 2012, I jokingly said that I wanted a Happy Light.  Mom remembered that and last Christmas bought me one.  I used it faithfully. Last winter was probably the most positive winter {mood wise} that I had had in all of my adult life.  So in that moment this winter when I knew something had to be done, I went back to my 20 minutes a day.  You're not looking into the light.  It just needs to be on near you.  I have it on for 20 min while I'm at the computer.

This was another one of those things that I just didn't see myself doing or benefiting from.  My personality is a bit high-strung.  I don't do "still" very well.  I am a runner!! but as I said, I was desperate and would try anything positive to get back to being myself.    I am HOOKED! It's actually a fabulous work out.  I absolutely love it and feel amazing.  I look forward to the mornings and getting my day started with yoga! 
Here is a link to some of the workouts that I have been doing.

Over the past 3 or 4 years I have really been more in tune with how foods affect me.  Ugh, it really stinks because when we were young, we could eat it all with no repercussions.   My body has been much more sensitive to certain things as I have gotten older {this would probably be a lengthy blog post in itself!}  Here are a few of the things that I have changed/ added that have contributed to feeling better over-all.
*limit {not eliminate} caffeine and sugar 
{this is the absolute hardest thing for me, but the reward is so worth it}
*Focus on foods that are beneficial for your well-being
*Start the day with Coconut water and ACV
{these aren't great tasting on their own, but I have listed below the smoothie that I make every morning}

Super Boost Morning Smoothie
3 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 Cup Coconut Water
1/2 Cup Almond Milk
1 Tbsp Flax Seed
1/2 Cup Pineapple
1/2 Banana

I hope that if you are going through a struggle now, there is something in here that helps you.  
Big giant hugs and blessings to you!

{Photo Credit: Pinterest}